I’ve been featured over on EDleadernews.com in their Higher Education section. To quote my brief introduction (that I had no hand in writing):
It isn’t very often that you stumble upon an academic writer whose style captivates wildly and whose content informs greatly. Such is the case with Lee Skallerup of collegereadywriting.
I’m very flattered, obviously. My recent post over on The University of Venus, “The Tenure-Track Position: No Longer the Brass Ring,” has generated quite a lot of interest. Paired with “How Higher Ed Makes Most Things Meaningless,” I seem to have become a sort of role model, at least according to Jo Van Every, a career coach who works with people in higher education.* My career trajectory seems to prove her point that doing what you are passionate about pays off.
You can bet I’m going to be blogging about that one.
I teach, I write, I blog, I learn. And I am humbled. Thanks everyone for your continuing support.
*At the request of Sean Cook, founder of Higheredcareercoach.com, I have changed the wording of Jo Van Every’s job description.