Really? More standardized tests? Because those have made students entering college that much more college ready. I’m being sarcastic. Students are taught to the test at the expense of content. Do we really want higher ed to be that way? The basic skills that you talk about SHOULD have been learned in high school (summarizing? grammar? averages? Really? That’s what higher ed’s job has become?). And, these are students who are the result of the testing bonanza that is No Child Left Behind.
I just wrote collegerea
University is fundamentally about creating knowledge, not skill transfer. The skills you need to create knowledge used to come before higher ed, not during. And more testing is not the right solution.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
"I just wrote collegereadywriting.blogspot.comm) about the different between college professors and high school teachers. "
The bane of relying on Spell Check ! Although spelled correctly, the word "different" should instead be "difference".
Thank you! I just fixed it. It will be immortalized on HuffPost as a typo forever.